Application of NPK Fertilizer and Watermelon Type on Growth and Production of Watermelon Seed (Citrullus vulgaris Schard) Main Seed Stock Seed Class, Galih Efrianda, A41160011, Seed Production Technique, Agricultural Production, State Polytechnic of Jember, Supervisor: Chairman: Ir.Hari Prasetyo, MP; Members: Dr.Ir. Rahmat Ali Syaban, Msi.
Galih Efrianda
Seed Production Techniques Study, Agriculture Production Departemen
Watermelon plant is a plant originating from Africa, then entered India and China after it just entered into other countries including Indonesia. Watermelon production in Indonesia has increased in 2009 and decreased in 2010. This is due to the processing of plants that have not been optimal. Therefore, efforts should be made to improve the production of watermelon that is implementing the provision of NPK Fertilizer on Production and Quality of Watermelon Seed. This study aims to determine the application of NPK fertilizer and watermelon species to the production and quality of watermelon seeds. This research activity is carried out in the agricultural land of the village of seputih mayang district jember district. This research is planned in February-May 2017. The design was used with Randomized Block Design Method (RAK) Factorial with 6 treatment combinations and 4 replications. The first factor was NPK treatment, 500 kg / ha (P1), 600 kg / ha (P2), 700 kg / ha (P3). The second factor is the treatment of two types of watermelon, seeds (V1) and Non seeds (V2). Then the data is analyzed by F test and followed by DMRT calculation. The result of this research showed that the treatment of NPK Phonska fertilizer dosage on watermelon was very significant in the observed parameters of plant height, number of branches, flowering age, number of finished fruit, quality test, Db, Kct, Kst, and different was not significant on the observed parameters the number of seeds of the fruit, the wet weight of the seeds of the fruit, the dry weight of the seeds of the fruit, the weight of 100 seeds (Gram). The treatment of watermelon species had no significant effect on plant height parameters of 14 HST, 70 HST, flowering age, number of fruits and significantly different on the length of plant parameters of 42 HST and number of branches, very different on the parameter of the number of seeds of the fruit, , dry weight of seeds of seed, weight of 100 seeds, Db quality test, Kct, Kst. The interaction of NPK phonska fertilizer and watermelon species gave a very real effect on the parameters of plant length, number of branches, 21 days of flowering, number of finished fruit 3,84, the number of seeds of 247,33, the wet weight of the seeds of 27,92, the dry weight of the seed of the fruit 14,59, DB test quality 96,17, Kct 19,50, Kst 51,27.
Keywords : NPK, seed production, Seed Quality, type of watermelon